Friday, 1 March 2013

Wildlife photographer

Zoologist conduct field observation and sampling to determine something about ones wildlife natural history. They are the one who have the privilege to find, use traps and collect samples during their field trips. Due to that, it is important that a zoologist have a DSLR camera. Rare encounters scenario may occur and it would be a lost of opportunity not to photograph the thing happened in front of our eye as evidence.

Micro lens is important to capture photograph of small invertebrates.

Jumping spider photo before editing using Nikon D90 with  Tamron AF 90 mm F/2.8 micro lens and flash Di866 Nissin closed with lightbox
Edited using Lightroom

Zoom lens is important to capture medium to large size animal to observe at safe distance while capturing the photo. This includes mid range mammal and birds which are difficult to be caught.

Colugo photo captured in mid air with accurate focal length at the right time using
Nikon D90 with Tamron 70-300 mm zoom lens

Edited using Adobe Photoshop C5

Normal lens 105 mm are normally used to capture small mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians

Bats captured by mist net and hand held to take photographs
Gecko found on leaves 

The most important advice is focus on what animal you would like to take photos of and do not bring along all your different lens with you. Keep all photo that had been captured for your future use in using it for your book, articles and also someone else might request your precious photo to be included in their work.