There are several software that are needed to be downloaded.
1. BioEdit
Sequence Alignment Editor was used to align forward and reverse sequences for
sequence clean-up. The reverse sequences was set to reverse complement, grouped
together with the forward sequences, align together using the pairwise
alignment (optimal GLOBAL alignment), delete sequence where appropriate based
on chromatogram and saved as FASTA files. Then, all the cleaned sequences for
tetragnathid species with the downloaded selected tetragnathid species and two out-group
sequences from genbank were saved as into one file as FASTA.
2. Clustal X
program was used for multiple sequences alignment and saved as NEXUS. Phylogenetic
Analysis Using Parsimony (PAUP) software was used to elucidate the phylogenetic
relationships between the tetragnathid species.
3. The PAUP software was keyed as follows:
a. Neighbor-joining (NJ):
paup; log start file=NJ.log; outgroup 50;
set criterion=distance increase=auto;
dset distance=K2P; NJ treefile=NJ.tre; set autoclose=yes; bootstrap
nreps=1000 search=NJ treefile=NJBt.tre; log stop; end
b. Maximum
Parsimony (MP):
paup; log start file=MP.log; set
criterion=parsimony; set autoclose=yes; set root=outgroup; outgroup 50; set increase=auto; hsearch
swap=tbr start=stepwise addseq=random nreps=100 hold=1; contree; set
storebrlens=yes; bootstrap nreps=1000 treefile=COI/18S.tree search=heuristic /
swap=tbr start=stepwise addseq=random nreps=1 hold=1; savetrees from=1 to=1
file=COI/ format=altnex brlens=yes savebootp=nodelabels
maxdecimals=0; pscores / tl ci ri rc hi; log stop; end;
c. Maximum
Likelihood (ML):
For COI:
begin paup; log start file=ML.log; set autoclose=yes; set criterion=likelihood;
set root = outgroup; outgroup 50; set storebrlens=yes; set increase=auto; Lset Base=(value) Nst=value Rmat=(value) Rates=type Shape=value Pinvar=value; bootstrap
nreps=100 search=heuristic/ addseq=random swap=tbr hold=1; contree; savetrees
from=1 to=1 file=COI/ format=altnex brlens=yes savebootp=NodeLabels
MaxDecimals=0; log stop; end;
d. d. Genetic
paup; dset distance=p; showdist; savedist format=nexus file=P_dist.nex; dset
distance=p; showdist; savedist format=onecolumn file=P_dist1.txt; end;